(英國進口)Milton - 殺菌消毒片(40片)/Milton - Sterilising Tablets (40P)



Milton - 英國超過60年歷史的消毒領導品牌,深受歐洲百萬家庭及醫院信賴及採用的嬰兒用品消毒方法。 Milton 殺菌消毒片適用於消毒奶瓶、奶咀、食物、非金屬食具、衣物、地板、家品及全屋其它地方的產品,為嬰兒及家人締造一個健康的環境,而且簡單易用。此產品沒有的刺激氣味,用後無色無味更不會留下任何毒性及殘餘物於物件上 Milton 殺菌消毒片只需15分鍾,有效殺滅99.9%病菌。經臨床實驗證實可有效消滅有害細菌、黴菌及病毒,包括:輪狀病毒、金黃葡萄球菌、李斯特菌、沙門氏菌、豬流感病毒、白色念珠菌(鵝口瘡)等多種病菌。 Milton殺菌消毒片成份有16.5%氯化鈉及2% 次氯酸鈉 📋Milton溶液製造方法: 把一粒Milton消毒片加入5公升(8品脫) 的冷水(即自來水) 內。 1️⃣嬰兒食具(非金屬) 應在使用後立即清潔,並用冷水及洗潔精沖洗。 2️⃣將已清潔的嬰兒食具浸入完全溶掉的Milton溶液中,加上容器蓋,確保食具內沒有氣泡。浸15分鐘後即可使用。(Milton溶液可有效維持24小時)。 3️⃣在Milton溶液中取出嬰兒食具前必須洗淨雙手。將食具取出及倒去水份後,宜立即用來沖奶並蓋好。 ⚠️警告 勿觸及眼睛,如進入眼內,請立即以清水清洗。勿讓兒童觸及。請放置於陰涼處。請勿讓稀釋的溶液濺出,溶液會漂白衣物。 Product details Milton Sterilising Tablets 40 pack Milton sterilising tablets have been expertly developed to sterilise baby items using cold water. The Milton cold water method of sterilising has been used by mums and hospitals for over 70 years and has been specifically formulated to kill 99.9% of germs. Ideal for use at home, travel and overnight stays. The solution is effective for 24 hours and there is no need to rinse baby items bafore they go into baby's mouth. Use to sterilise all breastfeeding equipment and baby feeding accessories: breast pump parts, baby bottles, soothers, teething rings, small plastic toys, plastic cutlery and weaning items. How to Use Wash all items in clean, warm soapy water or use Milton Baby Bottle Cleaner, then rinse before using the sterilising solution. Drop 1 tablet into 5 litres of clean, cold water. Let the tablet dissolve to form the Sterilising Solution. Pop baby items into the Milton Sterilising Solution and ensure they are completely submerged for a minimum of 15 minutes to become sterilised. Solution is effective for 24 hours. Hazards and Cautions Keep out of reach of children. Take care not to splash the solution as it will discolour fabrics and clothing. Do not use the solution on metal. Read label before use. Can cause serious eye irritation and may cause respiratory irritation. If medical advice is needed have product container at hand. Use in a well ventilated area. Store locked up and in a dry place. Do not use together with other products. Ingredients Active ingredient: Troclosene Sodium (CAS: 2893-78-9) 19.5% w/w

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