(英國進口)Sudocrem - 屁屁霜(250g)/Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream 250g



產品簡介: 本品用於尿疹、濕疹等皮膚症。其他適用症:曬斑、痄腮、表面創傷、痤瘡、粉刺、凍瘡。 在換新尿片前使用本產品可有效防止尿布疹的發生,讓寶寶遠離紅屁股。 此藥膏有淡淡薰衣草香味,絕不刺激。聞起來很舒服。每次用一點點,這麼一罐也很耐用。 產品特點: 很多效的一款屁股霜&面膜,因為是給寶寶用的,所以對肌膚的刺激性很小,不會引起肌膚的其他問題,針對黑頭,白頭,粉刺,痘痘都很有好處,能快速的解決這些的問題 產品功效: 清潔毛孔,去黑頭,曬斑、痄腮、表面創傷、痤瘡、粉刺、凍瘡。 * Sudocrem是專門治療尿疹的領先產品。經過臨床試驗證明​​,它能幫助舒緩、治愈和保護嬰兒細嫩的皮膚不受到進一步的傷害。 * Sudocrem以防水為基礎,形成一層保護膜,從而幫助阻止如尿液和大便接觸皮膚並損壞皮​​膚。另外,它有潤膚劑可以幫助舒緩疼痛發炎的皮膚同時令皮膚柔軟。 * Sudocrem還可以用於其它的皮膚問題,如保護受傷的皮膚不受到細菌感染從而更快速癒合,抗菌和殺菌等。 * 英國所有醫院、兒科醫生推薦使用 * 本品用於尿疹、濕疹等皮膚症。其他適用症:曬斑、痄腮、表面創傷、痤瘡、粉刺、凍瘡。 Sudocrem含有以下成分: * hypoallergenic lanolin, to help provide emollient properties 防過敏羊毛脂,潤膚劑; * zinc oxide is an astringent which reduces the loss of tissue fluid 氧化鋅,一種收斂劑,可以減少皮膚水份流失; * benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamate are amongst the ingredients of Peru Balsam, recognised for its healing properties 苯(四)酸芐酯和肉桂酸芐酯,幫助完全癒合傷處; * benzyl alcohol is a weak local anaesthetic which acts to ease localised pain and irritation. It also acts as a disinfectant/antibacterial agent and is responsible for protection against common bacterial contaminants. 苯甲醇,幫助減輕局部痛楚和紅腫。有消毒和抗菌的作用。 使用方法: 取出少量產品在需要地方塗上薄薄的一層,然後溫柔地以打小圈的形式按摩直到留下半透明的一層。 在按摩後仍存在白白的,說明用得太多了,不要當做化妝品這樣塗。 在換新尿片前使用本產品可有效防止尿布疹的發生,讓寶寶遠離紅屁股。 Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream has a water-repellent base which forms a protective barrier, therefore helping to stop any irritants (urine and stools) coming into contact with the skin. In addition, the emollient effect of Sudocrem can help to soothe sore inflamed skin whilst leaving the skin feeling soft. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream can also be used for other skin conditions that require a soothing, protective antiseptic cream with additional healing, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Sudocrem contains a number of ingredients and properties, such as: Hypoallergenic lanolin, to help provide emollient properties zinc oxide is an astringent which reduces the loss of tissue fluid Benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamate are amongst the ingredients of Peru Balsam, recognised for its healing properties Benzyl alcohol is a weak local anaesthetic which acts to ease localised pain and irritation. It also acts as a disinfectant/antibacterial agent and is responsible for protection against common bacterial contaminants How to use Directions: Apply a thin layer as required. If symptoms persist or if accidentally swallowed seek medical help. Do not use if hypersensitive (allergic) to any of the ingredients. Keep out of the eyes, nose and mouth. Side effects: Occasionally, localised irritation may occur. If this happens seek medical help. No known case of overdose. Hazards and Cautions Do no use if allergic to any of the ingredietns. Keep out of the eyes, nose and mouth. If symptoms persist or if accidentally swalowed seek medical help. Do not smoke or go near naked flames - risk of severe burns. Fabric (clothing, bedding, dressings, etc) that has been in contact with this product burns more easily and is a serious fire hazard. Washing clothing and bedding may reduce product build-up but not totally remove it. Side effects: Occasionally local irritation occurs. If this happens seek medical help. Always read the label. Ingredients Active Ingredients (% w/w): Zinc Oxide Ph. Eur. 15.25%, Benzyl Alcohol B.P. 0.39%, Benzyl Benzoate B.P. 1.01%, Benzyl Cinnamate 0.15%, Lanolin (Hypo-Allergenic) 4% (W/W), Also contains: Purified Water, Liquid Paraffin, Paraffin Wax, Beeswax, Microcrystalline Wax, Sodium Benzoate, Linalyl Acetate, Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Butylated Hydroxyanisole, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Lavender Fragrance

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