A Little Lovely Company-可愛療癒小夜燈(白色迷你雲)/A Little Lovely Company-little light ( mini cloud light white)



產品特色: 來自荷蘭的A Little Lovely Compnay 創立於2013年,將可愛元素完美實踐於生活小物及派對用品,產品涵蓋創意燈箱、療癒系夜燈、派對裝飾小物,以療癒系北歐風產品讓您的生活更美好 ★ 荷蘭設計與歐美同步流行!光線柔和,15分鐘自動熄燈好省電 療癒可愛小夜燈,伴寶寶好眠 ★ 光線柔和,15分鐘自動熄燈好省電,不對寶寶睡眠造成影響 ★ 多種療癒款式可選擇,當居家擺飾也好好看 ★ 療育小夜燈內部為恆溫的LED燈,燈罩為安全無毒材質,開關位於底部,大人兒童皆適合使用 ★ 可置於辦公室作為療癒小物,也適合放在兒童房當小夜燈 ★ 適合年齡:3歲以上 ★ 材質:PVC(不含雙酚A、塑化劑、鉛) ★ 內含三顆LR44電池 ★ 使用方式:開關旁邊有一個小點,按第一下旁邊有紅燈亮時,代表計時15分鐘功能已啟動,請再長按約3秒讓紅燈關閉後,即可關閉計時功能。 So cute, this white mini cloud light! These eco-friendly lights are child safe and made from BPA- and phthalate free PVC; and give a soft glow when turned on. Because there is a LED-light in it, the material doesn’t get hot and can it be safely used by children. You can choose to put the light on, off or on timer. When you switch the timer on, the light turns off automatically after 15 minutes. This saves battery power and is better for the environment! We advise you to use this timer, because the included batteries last for about 20 hours. Lovely tip: Are you all in the clouds? Use this theme for your kids room! We have: the big cloud light, cloud blocks, cloud hooks, cloud cushions, cloud posters, cloud backpacks... too many to mention! ★ Colours: White, blue and pink ★ Sizes: 16.5 x 9.5 x 8.5 cm ★ Material: BPA- and lead-free PVC ★ The light works with 3 LR44 batteries (included) ★ Timer option ★ LED light ★ Battery operated

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