B.box - PPSU 奶瓶 240ml (8安士)/b.box PPSU Baby Bottle 240ml (8oz)




由耐用醫學級 PPSU 製成,恆常使用亦能維持高質量,可手洗、洗碗機清洗或進行消毒。 防脹氣矽膠奶嘴設計模仿母乳餵哺感覺,助寶寶容易適應。 奶嘴分3個不同階段,陪伴寶寶的成長發展及不同的吸吮節奏。符合人體工學形狀設計,父母餵哺或寶寶自行吸啜同樣舒適。防滑手柄讓BB輕鬆嘗試自行飲奶,從嬰兒階段開始鼓勵獨立性。橢圓瓶身設計防止奶瓶滾動。凹凸坑紋奶瓶環設計,擰開擰緊奶瓶輕鬆方便。 兩種尺寸:180ml及240ml;3種柔和色調 防脹氣矽膠奶嘴模仿母乳餵哺感覺 - 每個奶瓶附有一個奶嘴 (第一階段:0 - 2個月) 其他階段奶嘴及手柄獨立發售 優質醫學級 PPSU 奶瓶適合日常使用 防脹氣矽膠奶嘴模仿母乳餵哺感覺 - 每個奶瓶附有一個奶嘴 (第一階段:0 - 2個月) 另外兩款奶嘴適合第二階段 (3 -6個月)及第三階段 (6個月或以上)使用 獨立發售 可拆式手柄讓小朋友學習自行進食 獨立發售 凹凸坑紋奶瓶環設計輕易抓握擰開擰緊 橢圓瓶身設計防止滾動 兩款容量:180ml 及 240ml 可安全以洗碗機清洗及進行消毒 Introducing the b.box baby bottle. Made from long-lasting, medical-grade PPSU to maintain high-quality with regular use, hand washing, dishwashing and sterilising. Anti-colic silicone teats designed to assist natural feeding and encourage easy attachment. Available in 3 stages to support babies development and sucking pattern. Ergonomically shaped for comfortable assisted and self-feeding. Non-slip handles also available to support self-feeding and encourage independence as baby grows. Oval shaped bottle prevents rolling. Ribbed ring provides easy grip when twisting on and off and ledge on cap supports easy click-off removal. Comes in two convenient sizes, 180ml and 240ml and three soft colour combinations. Anti-colic silicone teats for naturally simulated feeding – each bottle comes with one teat (stage 1, 0-2 months) Various teats and handles sold separately. Premium medical grade PPSU bottle suitable for high use Anti-colic silicone teats for naturally simulated feeding – each bottle comes with one teat (stage 1, 0-2 months) Stage 2 (3-6 m) and 3 (6+ m) teats available, sold separately Removable handles support self-feeding, sold separately Ribbed rim for easy grip, twisting on and off Cap with ledge for easy removal Oval-shaped bottle prevents rolling Available in 180ml and 240ml bottles Dishwasher and steriliser safe

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