Baby Swipe BB威寶嬰兒衣物濃縮洗劑 1000毫升/Baby Swipe Liquid Landry Detergent 1000ml

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天然成分 無磷配方及採用美國優質天然表面活性劑 環保配方,可自然分解 不含刺激性成分 不含漂白成分,螢光增白劑及色素 通過【水中銀】安全測試及皮膚刺激性測試,對嬰兒皮膚絕對安全 有效除菌 抗菌配方通過國際權威測試,有效去除衣物上各種細菌超過99%並防止異味如嘔奶味等 Natural Non-phosphate formulation using premium grade natural surfactants from the U.S. Environmentally friendly, biodegradable Harsh Chemicals Free Does not contain bleach, optical brighteners and colouring agents Laboratory tested, safe on baby skin Germs Removal Contains anti-bacterial agents, effectively removes germs and prevents malodor

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