Babymate - 天然檸檬酸/Babymate - Natural citric acid



奶瓶消毒鍋或者是電熱水壺在使用了一段時間後會有一層極難用普通的清潔液清除的水垢。而Babymate的天然檸檬酸可以輕易的除去這層水垢,使用後不但更衛生,而且也可以保持電器效能。Babymate的天然檸檬酸是萃取自柑橘類植物,純淨天然,特別適合用於嬰兒用品。 用量: 按比例 : 100cc/ml 水放一小匙(內附小茶匙) 用於奶瓶消毒鍋 : 建議可放100cc/ml水及一小茶匙後加熱煮沸 用於電熱水瓶 : 1~1.5公升放一小包; 2~3公升放兩小包 使用方法: 水及檸檬酸放進容器內再加熱煮沸,3-5分鐘後即可使水垢迅速脫落,若仍留有污垢,可再用濕軟布擦拭。 *因容器使用時間長短及污垢種類不同,每次顯現的去污效果亦不相同,如有比較多的污垢可用本品清洗多次或延長浸泡時間。本洗劑無法去除因熱產生的焦痕。 產地:台灣 A layer of deposit will be formed on the bottom of feeding sterilizer or electric water kettle after using for a period to time. That layer of deposit is hard to remove. At that time, you can use Babmate natural citric acid to remove it very easily. The device will be more hygiene and it will works more efficiently. Babymate natural citric acid is derived from citrus plants so that it is save to use for babies' products. Dosage: 100ml water per one tea spoon For example : you can use 100ml water with one tea spoon of natural acid; use one bag if you use it to clean electric kettle (1~1.5 liter) How to use: Boil the water with natural acid, keep it boil for 3~5 minutes. The deposit should be solve in the water. If there’s still some deposit stick on the bottom, you can use a soft brush to brush it or just let the water stay for few hours. After that you can put away the water and clean it with water or cloth. *This product cannot remove the burn mark. Country of Origin:Taiwan

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