Babymate - 電動吸鼻機/Babymate - Electrical Nasal Aspirator



安全衛生又溫和地吸除BB鼻涕, 減少鼻水倒流 防潑水設計 吸嘴及鼻涕槽都可拆下清洗及高溫消毒 流線企鵝造型設計, 容易抓握, 可站立不怕倒下讓鼻涕漏出 特別為嬰幼兒設計的矽膠吸嘴, 柔軟舒適 Safe, hygienic and gently absorbs mucus, reduce the flow of nasal Water-proof design Suction nozzle and nasal groove can be disassembled for clean and sterilized Streamline penguin design, easy to grasp, can stand and no leakage The silicone suction nozzle is designed for infants and young, soft and comfortable
