Benbat - 旅遊朋友頸枕-斑馬(1-4 歲/)Benbat - Travel Friends Total Support Headrest-Zebra -(1-4 years old)



新款物料及設計! 改進包括: 設計 – 系列中的所有頸枕都經我們的設計團隊作重新設計,並採用時尚的顏色 外型 - 所有年齡組的頸枕均已更新了頭部支撐區域的大小(擴大),並增加了頸部區域的周長 纖維 – 所有頸枕的正面部份現採用特別柔軟的長毛絨物料生產, 為寶寶及媽媽提供更佳的觸感 。背面物料以更柔軟的透氣物料製造, 更適合夏天時使用。 無論你的旅程有多長,Travel Friends旅行之友都會令你旅途愉快!獨特的造型 - 全方位承托頭部及頸部,並且像枕頭一樣柔軟 1-4歲,4-8歲及8歲以上款式均附有磁鐵為下巴提供舒適的承托 0-12個月款式備有奶咀扣,方便取用 4-8歲款式附有掛帶以供固定在汽車座椅上,提供最佳承托 所有 Travel Friends 旅行之友產品均為全新印花的雙面設計,分別給夏天或冬天使用。 Improvements include: Design – all headrests in the collection have been under our design team for a fresh facelift as well as received a dose of fashionable color to match current trends. Shape – all age group headrests have been updated in size of the head support area (enlarged) as well as increased the circumference of the neck area Fabrics – all headrests are now being manufactured with a special soft plush material for the front side to provide a better feel for the baby and mother. The backside material has been updated to a softer breathable material for better summer use. With Travel Friends every trip is Travel Friends a pleasure, no matter how far you have to go! Unique shape for total head and neck support as soft as a real pillow. Ingenious Magnets create a comfy chin rest in 1-4, 4-8, 8+ Groups Pacifier holder for easier access in 0-12 Group Strap attach to in-car headrest for maximum total support in 4-8 group All Travel Friends products come double sided for summer or winter use with new branded print
