Benbat - GRAB & GO DAZZLE 吊鈴 - 彩虹/Benbat - Grab & Go Mobile Toy



產品描述 可隨身攜帶的Grab Go吊鈴,現在加入受歡迎的Dazzle效果了!伸縮結構易於連接我們獨特的Benbat掛鉤。帶有閃炫效果的活動翅膀,可以讓自然光線穿過,激發寶寶的興趣,促進學習。3個配有絲帶的雙面娃娃,充滿活力的炫目色彩讓寶寶保持愉快心情,目不暇給。特殊的伸縮設計,可以快速便捷地折疊儲存或帶走到任何地方。 獨特的夾子形狀易於連接所有嬰兒車 自然的Dazzle閃炫效果,能吸引寶寶的注意,從而發展視覺能 力及手眼協調 利用鈴鐺形的翅膀鈴等4種活動刺激寶寶的感知、感官和興趣 採用鮮豔的色彩和帶有激發作用的設計,鼓勵寶寶練習運動技能 伸縮設計可以快速便捷的折疊起來,隨時隨地儲存或攜帶 不含雙酚A (BPA) 僅限局部污漬清理 年齡: 0個月或以上 尺寸: 40 x 23 x 4.4 厘米 (不連掛鉤) 尺寸: 40 x 30 x 4.4 厘米 (連掛鉤) The mobile is compact and easy to attach with our unique Benbat hook. The mobiles wings with the Dazzle-Effect allowing natural light to break through to keep baby interested and learning. 3 double sided dolls with ribbons and in vibrant and stimulating colors to keep baby happy and busy. Compact design for quick and easy folding for storage or to take where ever you go. Easy to link unique shape clip that fits all strollers Stimulate baby’s perception, senses and interest with 4 activities Made with vibrant colors and stimulating designs that encourage baby to practice fine motor skills Dimensions: (cm): 32x15x4.2; (inches): 12.6x5.9x1.6
