Benbat - 無汗頸枕/Benbat - Sweat Free Neckrest



適合旅行使用的完美隨身攜帶頸枕,為幼兒最需要照顧的頸部和臉頰,提供柔軟舒適的支撐,採用獨特的面料,減少出汗,讓孩子在旅程中保持乾爽舒適。獨特的磁扣令頭部不會容易低垂前傾。 符合人體工程學的設計,為寶寶提供頸部支撐 採用獨特的面料,減少出汗,保持寶寶乾爽舒適 加厚的脖子及臉頰墊,避免頭部低垂前傾 適用於大多數安全扣帶系統 可輕鬆用在汽車座椅上 使用簡單,易於清潔 可機洗 The perfect on-the-go neckrest for young travelers provides soft, snuggly support where toddler's need it the most – neck and cheek with unique fabric developed to reduce sweating keeping your child dry and comfortable throughout the drive. No more forward head slouching thanks to our special magnetic closure. Ergonomic design provides neck support to child Unique fabric developed to reduce sweating keeping baby dry and comfortable Extra padded in the neck and cheek area to avoid forward head slouching Suitable for most harness systems Easily transferable when changing car seats Simple to use, easy to clean Machine Washable

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