Bubble - 安撫奶嘴防掉小伙伴- 小兔貝拉/Bubble Soother Buddy -Bella the Bunny



Bubble安撫奶嘴防掉小伙伴是一款奢華柔軟玩偶,可繫緊奶嘴在玩偶上,專門為減輕媽媽照顧寶寶的生活而設。安撫奶嘴防掉小伙伴令尋找奶嘴變得輕鬆容易。適合大多數安撫奶嘴用。初生起適用◦ 使用說明: 冷水手洗丶 不可漂白丶 平攤晾乾丶 不可熨燙丶 不可乾洗。 遠離火源! Bubble Soother Buddy is a luxuriously soft soother holder designed to ease mummy’s life. Soother Buddy makes finding a baby’s soother an easy task. Attachable to most soothers. Suitable from birth. Care Instructions: Handwash only, line dry in the shape, do not bleach, do not dry clean and do not iron.

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