Bubble - 木製音樂桌/Bubble - Wooden Music Table



所有的孩子都喜歡音樂,父母也喜歡看到他們微笑並隨著朗朗上口的曲調「跳舞」! 這張精心製作的實木桌上擺放著可愛的樂器,您的孩子們將隨著自己的曲調,享受數小時的喧鬧樂趣! 從小就向孩子介紹音樂有很多好處,包括幫助他們學習單字的聲音和意義以及發展多感官能力。 All children love music and parents love seeing them smiling and “dancing” to catchy tunes! With the adorable musical instruments on this thoughtfully crafted solid wood table, your little ones will groove to their own tunes and enjoy hours of noisy fun! Introducing music to your child at an early age has many benefits, including helping them to learn the sounds and meanings of words and to develop multisensory abilities.

Maklumat produk

  • 非常有趣且易於使用!
  • 有兩種不同的彩色設計可供選擇
  • 包括木琴、鈸、2 個木槌和一個棘輪塊 (guiro)
  • 安全且有教育意義!
  • 適合小朋友的舒適高度
  • 小樂手們準備好吧!
  • 讓孩子探索他們的音樂和感官技能!
  • 這款精心設計的音樂玩具支持並鼓勵兒童透過玩耍來發展
  • 它鼓勵小孩子探索音樂和節奏的世界
  • 適合 18 個月以上的兒童
  • 產品尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高):10.5 x 34 x 23.5 厘米
  • 由 4 塊組件組成


  • Great fun and easy to use!
  • Available in two different colourful designs
  • Includes xylophone, cymbal, 2 mallets and a ratchet block (guiro)
  • Safe and educational!
  • Comfortable height for little ones
  • Little musicians get ready!
  • Let children explore their musical and sensory skills!
  • This thoughtfully designed music toy supports and encourages childrens development through play
  • It encourages little children to explore the world of music and rhythm
  • Suitable for children from 18+ months
  • Dimension of product (L x W x H): 10.5 x 34 x 23.5 cm
  • Consists of 4 pieces

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