Bumbo - 3in1 多功能座椅 /Bumbo - Multi Seat




Multi Seat 多功能座椅 產品特色: 三種模式:座地嬰兒椅、餐椅、加高椅餐模式 座地嬰兒椅模式 三點式安全帶設計,保護寶寶安穩坐著 U型座椅及環繞式椅背加上安全擋柱,使寶寶加倍安全 軟質椅墊採用高品質柔軟物料,一體成型,輕巧、無毒,且容易擦拭清潔 符合人體工學設計 材質輕巧,兩側設有凹槽,外出攜帶方便 餐椅模式 用餐時間只需將餐盤從座椅後方抽出並扣入前方,即可轉換為餐椅模式,操作方便,餐盤收納容易且不佔空間 加高餐椅模式 兩段式增高底座,只需旋轉底盤180度,即可增加約4cm的高度 附伸縮餐椅安全帶,可將多功能座椅安裝在餐椅上 (餐椅建議使用大於寛 38cm x 深36cm x 椅背高度 30cm) 讓寶寶在餐桌上與爸爸媽媽們一起快樂的用餐 寶寶長大後,軟質椅墊可收納於座椅內部,使寶寶有更多空間坐下 適用年齡:6 – 36 個月 (寶寶能獨立坐下才可使用) 產品尺寸及重量:34 x 37 x 26 cm; 1.89kg 包裝尺寸及重量:35.5 x 37.5 x 23 cm; 2.43kg 產地:南非 注意事項: 如果沒有繫好安全帶,小孩可能會突然掙脫座椅並摔落。為了避免摔落或其他危險造成的嚴重受傷,以下注意: 1. 為防止寶寶獨處發生危險,本產品須在成人監督下使用。 2. 切記使用本產品時需綁緊安全帶。 3. 不可使用置放於凸起或不平坦之地方。 4. 不可當汽車安全座椅使用,不可置放於浴缸中或水中使用 5. Bumbo 多功能座椅僅能使用於平坦之地面或餐椅上。 6. 在寶寶未完全骨骼發育完整以前,絕不可使用本產品。 Multi Seat Provides improved freedom of movement for an older baby or toddler. The seat has adjustable height settings and a removable foam pad to accommodate a growing child. Three Stages The Bumbo® multi seat can be used as a floor seat, strapped to an adult chair for feeding in place of a highchair, or used as a booster by removing the pad. it adapts to the growing needs of your child. Stow Away Tray The Bumbo® multi seat tray is easily detached and manoeuvred with one hand to stow away neatly in its slot behind the backrest of the seat. Adjustable Height This handy floor seat for toddlers has two height settings to accommodate smaller babies and larger toddlers. Attachment Straps The buckles of the attachment straps can be neatly stowed away in its slots on either side of the Bumbo® multi seat. Removable Pad As your baby grows, the soft foam pad of the baby multi seat can be removed and stowed neatly inside the seat to provide more room for your growing toddler. Non-Slip Base The base of the seat has non-slip pads and a smooth rounded surface to avoid damage to furniture. Easy to Clean All parts of the multi seat for toddlers can be easily wiped off using a damp cloth and mild detergent as required. Bumbo® multi seat is recommended for babies between 6 to 36 months, who can sit up unaided. Product size & weight: 34 x 37 x 26 cm; 1.89 kg Packing size & weight: 35.5 x 37.5 x 23 cm; 2.43 kg Country of origin: South Africa



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