Bumbo - 座地嬰兒椅 /Bumbo - Floor Seat





產品特色: 1. 採用高品質柔軟物料,一體成型,輕巧、無毒,且容易擦拭清潔 2. 採符合人體工學的深坐式的設計,椅背有足夠的背部支撐力,加上腿部以上窄下闊開口設計,可輕柔地把寶寶維持在適當的姿勢,保持寶寶的坐姿舒適挺直 3. 三點式安全帶,寬底部、低重心、底座穩固,即使寶寶調皮亂動也不易翻倒 4. 體積小重量輕,可放置放於平面地面,可當餐椅及遊戲椅,攜帶方便,室內室外皆適宜 5. 可另配Bumbo Floor Seat專用餐盤,可當餐椅或遊戲椅,讓寶寶學習自己獨立用餐好習慣 適用年齡:3 – 12 個月 (寶寶頸部需要有足夠的支撐力才可使用) 產品尺寸及重量:38 x 38 x 23.5 cm; 1.32kg 包裝尺寸及重量:38 x 44 x 44 cm; 1.71kg 產地:南非 注意事項: 如果沒有繫好安全帶,小孩可能會突然掙脫座椅並摔落。為了避免摔落或其他危險造成的嚴重受傷,以下注意: 1. 為防止寶寶獨處發生危險,本產品須在成人監督下使用。 2. 切記使用本產品時需綁緊安全帶。 3. 不可使用置放於凸起或不平坦之地方。 4. 不可當汽車安全座椅使用,不可置放於浴缸中或水中使用 5. Bumbo 座地嬰兒椅僅能使用於平坦水平之地面上。 6. 在寶寶未完全骨骼發育完整以前,絕不可使用本產品。 Floor Seat The Bumbo® floor seat is perfect for infant seating support. with a soft design, the seat offers a very comfortable seating position and is easy to clean. Contoured for Ultimate Support The deep seating surface and elevated leg openings of this baby floor seat gently recline the baby toward the centre of the rounded backrest, easing the baby into an upright position. Super Soft Comfort The Bumbo® floor seat is made from a luxurious, high quality foam similar to the foam used in modern day car seats. this allows for a super comfortable infant floor seat. Easy to Clean The leather-like outer foam skin is easy to clean. simply wipe your Bumbo® infant floor seat with a damp cloth to remove dirt. 3-Point Safety Harnesses The Bumbo® floor seat for babies is designed not to be totally restrictive. it comes with a durable 3-point safety harness to prevent wriggly babies from falling out. Original Design Many other baby seats have come about since the introduction of the Bumbo® floor seat however, no other baby seat has proven to be as effective as the original Bumbo®floor seat. Bumbo® floor seat is recommended for babies between 3 to 12 months; however, the baby should have adequate head control before the seat may be used to sit upright. Product Size & Weight: 38 x 38 x 23.5 cm; 1.32kg Packing Size & Weight: 38 x 44 x 44 cm; 1.71kg Country of origin: South Africa
