Clini-24 (24小時長效殺菌泡沫搓手液)30ML/Clini-x 24 (Zoono) Hand Sanitiser & 24hr Protector





(COVID-19)可在表面生存長達9天,Zoono官方在2020年2月28日公告測試結果顯示,針對該病毒,Z-71產品的微生物防護罩(與Zoono護手消毒液均使用Zoono專利技術)有效率高達99.99 Zoono為美國太空總署接手技術, 美國及新西蘭科學家改良成環保無毒, 使其適合於民用. Clini-X 24 Zoono 不含毒素, 與傳統以高濃度酒精來引起蛋白質變性, 導致細菌或病毒暫時死亡不同. Zoono以裂解法或溶菌法(lysis)來對付細菌和病毒, 它能長期緊附於物體表面, 發揮磁石般的引力, 吸引病原體. 再以有如億萬顆密集尖針刺破氣球般, 殺滅病原體, 並使其不能再由分裂及變異而生存或衍生發展出抗藥性惡菌. 一經噴灑,它便會在皮膚表面形成長效滅菌抗菌膜,24小時內持續發揮抗菌滅菌功效,不會因洗手抹手而遞減功效。如噴於物體上,抗菌效能更可長達30日。 ★ 經國際著名權威實驗室鑑定可殺滅以下病毒及細菌達99.9% 新型肺炎冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 金黃葡萄球菌 大腸桿菌 銅綠假單胞菌 海氏腸球菌 真菌 ★ 適用於任何人仕,包括嬰兒、小童、寵物及敏感肌膚人仕身上 ★ 有別於高濃度酒精使細菌或病毒暫時消滅 ★ 不含酒精及金屬, 不易致敏 ★ 成份溫和,無刺激性,減少皮膚乾燥、脫皮及粗糙的問題 ★ 清爽不黏手 **產地: 紐西蘭** Produced in New Zealand, alcohol-free, Food safe, environmental friendly, hypoallergenic CliniX24Hand Sanitiser (Zoono)- it’s unique, antimicrobial that bonds to any surface and kills pathogens including bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and mould. It has proven efficacy and longevity; it does not leach and cannot diminish in strength A single application of CliniX24 will last for a full 24 hours - and best of all, CliniX24 does not produce the nasty, dermatological side effects associated with traditional, alcohol or BZK based hand sanitisers. And its effect will not less with washing hands or any routine tasks. Products developed with biotechnology and nanotechnology is absolutely suitable for chemically sensitive people, especially infants, children, the elderly and those who are sensitive to skin. 1. All goods sold is not refundable 2. Exchange of a product cannot be accepted for any product rejection due to personal preference 3. Customer is allowed to exchange for a product of the same model and same color only PRODUCT WARNINGS: For external use only. If swallowed, call a doctor. In rare cases, may cause mild skin or eye irritation. if skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice. If product gets in the eyes, rinse thoroughly with water for several minutes. Remonve contact lenses if in use. If eye irritation persists, get medical advice PRODUCT USAGE: apply to hands and rb until dry STORAGE CONDITION: Avoid direct exposure to sunlight Store in a dry place
