Dacco三洋 - 產後骨盆帶(簡易款)/Dacco - Postpartum pelvic belt (Simple)



日本產科前沿經驗,在產後使用收腹帶及盆骨帶,對於產後身體恢復及身形重塑非常重要。 一般情況下,骨盆韌帶是不會鬆弛,但是懷孕婦女分泌的荷爾蒙是讓骨盆韌帶鬆弛,以便嬰兒在生產時通過產道。所以無論是順產還是剖腹生產都同樣會有骨盆韌帶鬆弛的情況發生。如果不及時使用骨盆帶復位,便會造成下半身肥胖甚至腰椎移位。 日本生產的Dacco產後骨盆帶簡易款,用不織布製造,可以讓產婦在生產後馬上使用,因為這是臨時產品,只供產後在醫院時使用,即使在醫院弄髒了也沒有關係。 腰圍:92~110cm 物料:聚脂不織布 The frontier experience in obstetrics in Japan, using postpartum abdomen belts and pelvis belts, is very important for postpartum physical recovery and stature reshaping. In general, the pelvic ligaments do not relax, but hormones secreted by pregnant women relax the pelvic ligaments so that the baby passes through the birth canal during production. Therefore, whether it is a spontaneous delivery or a caesarean section, the pelvic ligament will loosen. If you do not use the pelvic girdle in time, it will cause lower body fat and even lumbar shift. The Dacco postpartum pelvic girdle produced in Japan is simple and made of non-woven fabrics. It allows maternity women to use them immediately after they are manufactured. This is a temporary product that can only be used after delivery in the hospital. Even if the hospital is dirty, it does not matter. Waist circumference: 92~110cm Material: polyester non-woven fabric
