Dacco三洋 - 產後骨盆收緊矯正帶/Dacco - Pelvis Tightening Belt



產後骨盆收緊矯正帶,拯救產後大屁股! 骨盆護理專家認為,所有女性都需要做緊緻骨盆的身體護理,特別是產後女性。骨盆,是支撐女性美的最重要身體部位,而女性保持美麗的姿態主要依靠骨盆! 日本產婦佩戴使用骨盆矯正帶的可喜效果: 改善產後體形! 收緊鬆弛的骨盆! 女性下半身肥胖的元兇:由於骨盆鬆弛張開,女性的下半身變得反常,就算拼命減肥,下半身也很難瘦下去! 有效收緊 使用優良的伸縮性材料,給骨盆強大的支撐 容易穿著 只需收緊拉伸並扣上魔術貼!一個人也能輕鬆穿著 不易滑動 吻合下腹部的低腰形狀,即使坐下也不容易滑上去 非常合身 按人體曲線設計的腰帶,使人活動靈活!貼合腰部的寬度具有穩定感 容易穿著 只需收緊拉伸並扣上魔術貼!一個人也能輕鬆穿著 Puerperal pelvis belt, which tightly supports the loose pelvis and comfortable to wear by a material which fits to the body . ● Easy to wear by tightly pulling and fastening one-touch tape. ● The area where the belt touches the lower abdominal is further down; therefore, the shape is designed so that it does not easily go out of alignment. ● Black color makes dirt such as lochia unnoticeable. ● Include“ how to care pelvis Q&A” to answer for mama’s questions. ● You can choose from “pelvis tightening belt” standard tightness type or “pelvis tightening belt Ⅱ” hard tightness type. ● Rough indication of wearing period: Immediately after delivery to 6 weeks (It is effective to wear during this period until the body recovers to the prepregnancy state.

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