Ergobaby - Omni 全階段型四式360嬰兒揹帶透氣款-靛藍色/Ergobaby - Omni 360 Cool Air Mesh Baby Carrier-Indigo Weave



#香港原裝行貨代理,十年原廠保養 產地:越南 Ergobaby Omni 360 是適合每一個人使用的多合一嬰兒背帶。耐用透氣的氣網設計,可讓您和寶寶全年都保持舒爽。 您可利用我們創新設計的滑扣,在行進間毫不費力地讓寶寶面朝外或是面朝您,同時符合人體工學的設計方式也可順暢調整,讓寶寶從新生兒階段一路使用到幼兒階段(限重為 7 - 45 磅),不需另加嬰兒護墊。 Omni 360 附腰托及超厚襯墊的交叉型肩帶,讓您和寶寶在接下來的日子中都可享受到超級無比的舒適感。 透氣輕質全網狀載體 初生兒到幼兒- 毋需配合嬰兒護墊使用 /幼兒(7-33 磅) 所有背負姿勢 - 前背面向內,前背面向外,側背及後背 簡單易用 - 輕鬆轉換揹姿 給父母長期揹戴的舒適 給寶寶符合人體工學的舒適感 讓寶寶於所有階段均能保持M字型姿勢 隨附收納袋 ★★門市備有Demo揹帶,歡迎親臨試揹選購(敬請預約) The Ergobaby Omni 360 is the all-in-one baby carrier for everyone. Designed with durable and breathable mesh to keep you and your baby cool year round. Effortlessly switch baby to face out or face you on the fly with our innovative sliders, and easily adjust to ergonomically fit your baby from newborn to toddler (7-45 lbs.), no infant insert needed. With lumbar support and extra-cushioned crossable shoulder straps, the Omni 360 gives you and your baby amazing comfort for years to come. ★Cooler for baby with breathable 3D air mesh panel ★All carry positions: front facing you, front facing out, hip and back ★Newborn to toddler (7-45 lbs. / 3.2-20 kg), no infant insert needed ★Recommended facing out max weigh limit 30 lbs./13.6 kg. ★Cooler for baby with breathable 3D Air Mesh panel, ideal for warmer temperatures or active lifestyle ★Easy switch sliders - Quick & easy to switch baby to face in or out on the fly ★Lumbar support waistbelt for long wearing comfort (adjusts 26" – 55“ / 66cm –140cm) ★Comfortable and ergonomic for baby with a hip-healthy “M” shape position at all stages and in all carry positions including forward-facing ★Cushioned, adjustable head and neck support ★Detachable pouch included for storage ★Tuck-away baby hood for sun protection (UPF 50+) and privacy ★Allows for easy and discreet breastfeeding ★100% Polyester ★Machine washable Made in Vietnam
