Janod - 木製雙面字母拼圖黑板/Janod - Sweet Cocoon Alphabet Puzzle



Janod Sweet Cocoon 木製雙面字母拼圖黑板讓小朋友輕鬆學習英文字母。 黑板拼圖套裝包含26件木製大階楷英文字母,字母積木與黑板書寫專用粉筆使用柔和可愛粉彩色調,學習字母再不是沉悶刻板的事。 尺寸: 24 × 2.2 × 27 cm 材質: 原木 適合年齡: 由2歲至6歲兒童 Wooden jigsaw puzzle Alphabet and writing table Janod series Sweet Cocoon. The package contains 26 pieces of wooden capital letters of the alphabet in pastel colors and chalk for writing. Product size: 24 x 2.2 x 27 cm Material: wood Suitable for children: from 2 to 6 years
