Janod 認知學習-123-ABC翻轉樂 /Janod - Baby Forest ABC Abacus Toy



共有26個英文字母及0~9阿拉伯數字。字母和數字背面有相對應的物品及數量,玩中學,讓幼兒輕鬆自然的學習。 金屬軸承,翻轉不卡卡 質輕,幼兒可輕鬆拿取 尺寸: 24 x 10 x 30 cm 材質: 原木 適合年齡: 由3歲至6歲兒童 A magnificent alphabet English abacus to help with teaching letters and numbers to small children. Older children will learn to read, write and count! Behind each letter, there is a picture starting with the letter (e.g. A for ‘’Apple’’, B for Ball, etc). The letters are in upper and lower case, making learning the alphabet real child’s play! Its highly ergonomic design is ideal to develop coordination for little hands.Alphabet abacus with educational value, which, with your help, will lead your child to imagine, invent and create words every day. Gender: Mixed Material: Wood Dimensions: 24 x 10 x 30 cm Recommended age: 3 to 6 years

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