Janod 遊戲磁鐵書(公主)/Janod - Magneti'book - Princesses



產品特色: ★ 多樣化主題,讓寶貝發揮創意自由創作 ★ 適合3歲以上小朋友 ★ 磁鐵書硬殼包裝,可直立擺放,就像一本有質感的精裝書 ★可重覆黏貼的磁鐵,邊角圓潤不刮手,圖卡繽紛可愛 ★ 具磁性的精緻外盒設計,好收納磁鐵不弄丟,方便外出攜帶 ★ 豐富的磁鐵元件讓寶貝發揮創意,搭配場景來拼湊,同時訓練手眼協調 Magnetic educational game in cardboard on the princess theme. Composed of 55 magnets and 7 cards. Once the “book” is opened, the aim is to make on the stage the same scene as indicated on the card thanks to the magnets. Gender: Mixed Accessories: 55 magnets + 7 cards Material: Cardboard Dimensions: 19 x 4 x 26 cm Recommended age: 3 - 8 years
