Joie -雙向成長型兒童汽車安全座椅-(利物鳥紅)/Joie - Every Stage FX LFC -Liverbird



every stage™ fx LFC 是一台4階段合1 ,(group 0+/1/2/3)雙向成長型兒童汽車安全座椅,採用成長型設計持設AutoAdjust™ 功能讓側翼寬度,隨頭靠高度拉高而張開及Grow Together™ 十段頭靠高度調整系統,可直接帶動肩帶的高度。使用ISOFIX接口讓安裝更穩固且容易(ISOFIX 安裝適用於15-36kg孩童(group 2/3)的成長型安全座椅模式時) 後向乘坐:0歲至18kg(約4歲) 前向乘坐:9kg至36kg(約12歲) 產品尺寸:52 x 45-51.5 x 62-87 cm 產品重量:14.6 kg 備考: 符合 ECE R44 歐洲安全標準 Suitable from birth to 4 years in a rearward facing ISOFIX position, this offers protection to your infants neck and spine 5 times better than if in the forward facing position. However if your child prefers to see you and the world surrounding them forward facing is suitable from 9kg to 12 years.The car seat is a powerful protector with its multi position Guard Surround Safety™ side impact protection panels and the reinforced steel inner seat shell. Simple to use the Every Stage has 10 position height adjustable headrest and 6 recline positions. Baby will travel safe, comfortably and peacefully in the Every Stage. ★ 5-point harness ★ BabySoft 5-point harness with shoulder and lower buckle covers ★ 3 piece flexible insert system includes an infant head support, infant body support, and infant wedge all customisable for the ultimate fit at every stage ★ Side impact protection provides added security for the head, body, and hips ★ 6 recline positions: 2 rear facing and 4 forward facing ★ Suitable forward facing from 9kg to 36kg/12 years ★ Suitable rearward facing from birth to 18kg/4 years ★ Group 0+/1/2/3 car seat ★ Weight: 14.6kg
