Minimoto - 多功能攬枕(黃色)/Minimoto Multi function pillow (yellow)



專為嬰兒和媽媽設計的: 抱枕:懷孕期間做放鬆運動或抱著而睡,可令孕婦的脊柱處於放鬆水準狀態。 哺乳枕:將多用枕環於腰間,可減輕母乳喂哺或奶瓶哺的手臂負擔 輔助墊:寶寶學習坐的輔助靠墊 枕套可拆除清洗 120 x 30 cm ** 註:商品說明及圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準 ** Size : 120x30cm Use for doing exercises or hold for sleeping during pregnancy Put the pillow at waist, easier for feeding Assist and support the baby while playing or learning how to sit Allow to change the pillowcase ** The above product information and photos are for reference only. Actual product may vary. **
