Mother-K 矽膠奶瓶180ml/Mother-K - Silicone baby bottle 180ml




矽膠瓶身類似媽咪皮膚觸感, 有安撫寶寶的作用。 矽膠奶嘴仿媽咪乳房設計, 寶寶可以很舒服的吸吮。 奶嘴上有排氣孔, 減少寶寶吸進過多空氣, 預防嘔奶。 矽膠瓶身和PPSU旋蓋已經二合為一,不用組裝。 整體設計全部通過EN14350和BPA free測試, 可以安心使用。 瓶身表面有防塵材料, 不易沾塵。 可使用的消毒方式 : 微波爐, 電子蒸氣消毒鍋, 明火蒸煮, 洗碗機。 **附初生至2個月奶嘴 韓國製造 The silicone bottle body is similar to mommy's skin touch The silicone pacifier is designed to imitate the breast of the mother There is an valve on the nipple, which can reduce the baby sucking too much air and avoid the risk of vomiting The silicone bottle body and the PPSU screw cap have been combined into one, reducing the trouble of assembling Passed EN14350 and BPA free tests The bottle body is designed with dust proof material **With new born to 2 months nipple Country of Origin : Korea
