NUBY - 兒童安全學習廁所/NUBY - Safety Toilet Seat Trainer



Nuby 兒童安全學習廁所可幫助寶寶進行如廁訓練。防滑底座防止坐廁移動,確保寶寶安全,安裝與拆除同樣方便,易於清潔;內置的防濺板亦有助減少不必要的污跡;坐廁兜拆卸方便,週末要到外婆家玩也絕無問題。寶寶將快速學會如廁技巧,感覺像個大孩子一樣! • Nuby 兒童安全學習廁所可放置於洗手間內,幫助小朋友增強自信,讓他們感覺像大孩子一樣! • 牢固不移位!防滑底座有固定作用,令學習廁所不輕易移位。 • 內置的防濺板有助減少不必要的污跡 ,縮短清洗時間,讓您有更多時間享受與孩子一同學習! • 坐廁兜安裝與拆卸同樣方便,快速讓寶寶完成使命離開坐廁。 • 坐廁兜設計方便,亦容易清洗。輕輕拭擦或沖洗坐廁即可,完全不用接觸表面的細菌。 • 想於週末到外婆家玩?絕對可以,Nuby 兒童安全學習廁所方便攜帶,讓您隨時轉換陣地。 Make potty training a go with Nuby’s Safety Toilet Seat Trainer! This training seat stays in place with a non-slip rubber grip for security while your little one is seated on the throne. The Easy Grip handles make placement and removal as easy as 1, 2, 3, making it easy to clean, while the integrated splash guard helps keep messes to a minimum. The convenience of removal makes it perfect for transport for the weekend at Grandma’s. Your little one will train and feel like a big kid using Nuby’s Safety Toilet Seat Trainer! Most toilets and will give your little one a big boost in confidence! • Stays in place! The non-slip rubber grip secures the training seat. • Integrated splash guard helps prevent messes. Less time spent cleaning up and more time celebrating your child’s accomplishment! • Easy Grip handles for easy placement and removal. No time wasted when your child needs to go. • Convenient Easy Grip handles also make cleaning simple! Wipe or rinse the potty seat down without ever touching those germy areas. • Spending the weekend with Grandma? Nuby’s Safety Toilet Seat Trainer can go where your little one goes!

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