Nuby - 我的真正坐廁/Nuby - Training Toiletry Pot



訓練小朋友上廁所並不是件容易的事,Nuby的「我的真正坐廁」可以幫助父母和小孩輕鬆有趣地去完成訓練。坐廁的外形仿照真實坐廁製造,讓小孩容易過度使用成人用的坐廁。逼真的沖廁聲讓訓練過程既有趣又真實。可拆除的坐廁兜方便清潔。 ★ 具有逼真的沖廁聲 ★ 易於清潔 ★ 專為男孩女孩設計 ★ 坐廁防濺板可防止意外發生 ★ 旨在幫助小孩過渡使用成人尺寸的坐廁 Potty training can be intimidating, but Nuby’s Training Toiletry Potty helps make the experience relaxed and fun for parent and child. The potty’s design mirrors real, full-size toilets which helps children transition to a real toilet when they are ready. Realistic flushing sounds are fun and engaging, making the learning process easier for children. Cleanup is easy for parents, thanks to our removable bowl. Features: ★Features life-like toilet flushing sounds ★Easy to clean ★Designed for boys and girls ★Built-in splash guard prevents accidents ★Designed to help little ones transition comfortably to an adult-sized toilet
