Nuby - 矽膠輔食品餵食器/Nuby - The Nibbler Feeder




使用Nuby輔食品餵食器既安全又方便,在任何地方均合適使用。衛生盒蓋可防止食物漏出,使輔食品餵食器成為旅行時使用的理想選擇。只需在餵食器中加入適量的嬰兒食品或谷類食品,然後輕輕擠壓矽膠餵食器即可!嬰兒食品通過湯匙頸部的小孔擠到湯匙內。而使用啜嘴餵食,適用於餵食牛奶或配方奶粉,也適合餵食開始斷奶的寶寶。餵食時間從未如此輕鬆簡便! 產品特色: 完整的兩階段餵食方法。 初階段可用啜嘴餵食黏稠濃厚的液體食物、果汁和水。後來可使用湯匙餵食穀物、蔬菜泥或水果等食物。 柔軟的矽膠適合寶寶的敏感牙齦使用。 提供一種更清潔、更輕鬆簡易的方式,僅用一隻手即可餵食半固體食品給寶寶。 配有衛生盒蓋的輔食品餵食器非常適合在旅途中餵食寶寶用。 The Nibbler™ feeder is perfect for introducing new foods and textures, like fruit and vegetables, without the risk of choking. The childproof Squeeze and Twist locking system keeps child safe while enjoying whole foods. Fill with ice or frozen fruits and it’s a perfect teether! Features and Benefits 10+ months Perfect for introducing new foods and textures without the risk of choking Ideal whole foods (age appropriate) for the Nibbler™ feeder include frozen fruits, fresh fruits, ice chips, veggies, and more Squeeze and Twist Locking System keeps child from opening Detachable net for easy cleaning BPA Free
