OXO TOT - 吸盤碗/OXO TOT - Stick & Stay Suction Bowl




吸盤碗特別設計的吸力底座,可將碗碟牢固地吸附在桌面上。獨特的設計吸力設計,便於成人使用,很容易能拿起碗碟。但對小孩子來說,卻不容易移動,這樣可以防止孩子們滑倒、傾倒或打翻食物。其碗碟邊的側壁設計,更能幫助舀起食物,幫助孩子們學習自行進食。產品可用於洗碗碟機,同時碗碟同吸力底座可以快速轉動鬆開,以便徹底清潔。 ★ 直接吸附在桌面,寶寶小手幾近不可能移動它 ★ 吸力和防滑底座可大大地減少進餐時的髒亂 ★ 容量12安士 ★ 100%食品級矽膠吸盤,清潔輕鬆徹底 ★ 洗碗碟機及微波爐適用 ★ 不含雙酚A(BPA), 鄰苯二甲酸酯(Phthalate),聚氯乙烯(PVC) ★ 年齡: 6個月或以上 ★ 碗 (容量12安士) Description The Stick & Stay Suction line includes a Bowl, Plate and Divided Plate that feature a secure suction base that sticks firmly to surfaces until mealtime is over. The parent-friendly design makes these plates and bowls easy for grown-ups to remove, but tricky for little ones, to prevent slipping, tipping or tossing. The side walls are designed to help tots with scooping to help promote self-feeding. These dishwasher safe bowls and plates quickly twist apart for thorough cleaning.

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