OXO TOT嬰兒輔食研磨器/OXO Tot Mash Maker Baby Food Mill



依寶寶喜好或是發育階段來調整食物泥的濃稠度,每種食材特性與水份略有不同,可邊磨邊開蓋,檢查需要的細膩程度。 1. 若寶寶為吞嚥練習初期,食物泥需求屬「偏稀」,可研磨過程加入少量水,一起打磨,即可調整稠度。 2. 隨著寶寶成長,可觀察寶寶進食狀態,如吞嚥功能愈來愈順利,即可不加水打磨,讓寶寶習慣原食材的濃稠度囉! 產品特點: ★ 體積細少,方便攜帶研磨器 ★ 食品級不鏽鋼研磨盤,堅固耐冷熱 ★ 塑膠防噴蓋 ★ 防溢漏底盤 ★ 手握防滑設計 ★ 旋轉手動免插電 ★ 極簡構造好清洗 Make your own baby food and purees for your child in this Mash Maker Baby Food Mill from OXO Tot. It provides even consistency and can have liquid added as desired. It boasts a stable base and has a trough to catch excess liquids. ★ Ideal for pureeing adult food for baby consumption ★ Creates even consistency and allows liquid to be added as desired ★ Lets you scoop out food without need to disassemble ★ Includes a lid ★ Non-slip grip and easy-turn top handle ★ Stainless steel grinding plate and blade ★ Plastic/silicone/stainless steel ★ BPA-, phthalate-, and PVC-free
