OXO TOT矽膠餐碟/OXO TOT - Silicone Plate




產品描述 OXO TOT矽膠餐碟”的設計考慮到了新獨立的食用者—和他們的父母!—整個矽膠結構經得起各種敲擊和敲擊而不會斷裂,而且它不含雙酚A,使您完全放心。這個碟子具有加重的底座,可防止意外傾倒食物以保持桌子整潔;另外的重量也減少了玩碟子和試著把它放在地板上的誘惑。碟壁向內傾斜,以幫助幼兒在刮邊時把更多的食物放在勺子上;高壁還為幼兒學習用手指捏以及拿起來小口咬提供了支撐,非常適合增強幼兒對新技能的信心以及使食物進餐的肚子。這款餐碟適合小手使用,適合想要自己做任何事的學步兒童輕鬆攜帶。適用於微波爐加熱及使用洗碗機清洗 This Silicone Plate is the perfect first dish for toddlers learning to feed themselves. Made entirely of BPA-free silicone, the plate features a weighted base that helps prevent accidental tipping or sliding. Tantrum-proof silicone construction is durable enough to withstand being dropped (or tossed!). The high walls of the plate curve inward to help toddlers scoop food with spoons or grasp items with their fingers. This plate is designed specifically for little hands, so it's easy for kids to carry. Dishwasher and microwave safe.
