Oribel - PortaPlay 3 階段感官發展活動遊戲桌/Oribel - PortaPlay Stage-Based Activity Center - Monsterland Adventures




獨家首創以嬰兒感官發展為中心的玩具桌,配合嬰兒成長改裝成適合不同的玩樂組合!緊貼小寶實成長速度,PortaPlay玩具可以滿足他們一歲以內的整體發展。 適合年齡 第一階段:5-8個月 第二階段:8-12個月 第三階段:5歲以下 第一階段:5-8個月 Chewy咬咬樂:嬰兒出牙時期適用的安全磨牙膠,不規則外觀及圖案刺激感官發展,嬰兒可以拍打/抓緊/相撞磨牙膠,透過以上活動發展小肌肉活動能力。 Mischief Mirror古怪鏡子:採用大膽的黑白對比色刺激視覺神經,促進嬰兒的認知發展。 Creepers爬爬趣:經典肌肉訓練玩具,提高嬰兒抓握能力及手眼協調力,小肌肉和手臂活動能力。 PowPow音樂鼓:Monster Sound Mode小寶寶可以自由按鼓上的三個按鈕,按鈕會發出不同有趣的怪獸聲音,從而理解因果關係的發展;Musical Tone Mode提高對不同音調的觸角及敏感度。 Jiggler搖鈴:自由選擇抓握/扭動/拍打發出聲音。 第二階段:8-12個月 Bubbles泡泡:心靈滿足類型玩具,小寶寶可隨心按壓彩色’’泡泡’’,此感官玩具能使嬰兒平靜。 Pushey Pulley 拉拉玩具:通過拉扯活動培訓小肌肉活動能力,同時可以挑戰理解能力,看看小寶寶能否預料那一方的小怪獸會被吸入;採用的不同布料質地提升觸覺認知。 NomNom小食碗:集中玩耍也會感到疲累,讓小寶寶吃一點喜歡的零食作獎勵吧!同時更可以令他們運用小手肌自行進食。 PowPow音樂鼓:遊戲模式啟發自經典打地鼠遊戲!按鈕亮起被正確打中會發出’’Yay’’聲音;按下錯誤的按鈕則會發出’'Oh Oh’’聲響。 Mischief Mirror古怪鏡子:小寶寶的視力完全發展,本來的黑白圖案可改裝成為繽紛的顏色,通過照鏡子遊戲觸發好奇心並發展自我意識。 第三階段:5歲以下 Bubbles泡泡:當PortaPlay不再用作感官活動桌時,這款Bubbles玩具可以拆下來成為一件獨立的玩具。 遊戲桌:改裝成為獨立遊戲學習空間,小朋友可以使用遊戲桌玩耍/閱讀/書寫甚至進食下午茶;無論什麼時候,遊戲桌都是小朋友的是好朋友。 凳子:無需時用時,可以自由把凳子收納在遊戲桌下(單獨發售) Merry-Spin-Round旋轉旋轉木馬:PortaPlay360°旋轉模式,小朋友可以在早期發育時期輕鬆旋轉和轉動到喜歡的角度,隨時拿到自己喜歡的玩具。 舒適坐椅,彈性布料可清洗,嬰先能夠利用彈跳小腳步活動並不會拉傷膝蓋。 1, 2, 3 & 4 ! PortaPlay 4個高度調節可以跟上嬰兒快速成長步伐。 建戲小寶寶在活動中心時期調較至踮腳姿勢,直到彈跳空間不足的時候才將高度提升一級。 Push-and-Pull 推按模式 輕易組裝方法,把按鈕按下簡單把PortaPlay玩具桌腳子取出,存放慳位方便! 材料 使用對自然無害及最低危險性的優質材料。 安全性 絕不使用有毒阻燃劑、BPA、鉛、塑化劑;所有可入口組件均採用食品級矽膠。 經過嚴格測試 產品達到並超過全球嬰兒及兒童安全標準 - ASTM和EN。 可持續製造 所有木材均由可持續地來自可再生森林取材。木材採用無毒環保面料進行密封程序。 可持續包裝 盡量最小化盒子上彩色印刷和覆膜。雖然無法避免某種塑料來保持零件的安全,但同時亦積極尋找更好的材料。 靈感來源 成為父母是人生最大的冒險! 當您與小寶寶一起探索世界的時候,逐步見證小朋友第一年成長的不同變化。 PortaPlay是你和小寶寶的理想遊戲時光好朋友,以孩子發展階段為心中的遊戲可適應孩子不斷變化的發展需求。Oribel相信您和您的孩子都應該得到最好。PortaPlay 3 階段感官發展活動遊戲桌經過精心設計,透過過無盡的遊戲時光與他們一起成長! 建議年齡: 4個月/可以自行支撐脖子並穩坐的嬰兒 保養說明 •Pushey Pulley拉拉玩具’的毛絨玩具需洗衣機清洗 •定期冷水機洗座墊 •低溫烘乾10-15分鐘 •請勿使用刺激性的洗滌劑/漂白劑;切勿乾洗 •中性肥皂及清水擦拭塑膠零件 PortaPlay Stage-Based Activity Center - Monsterland Adventures The First and only Baby Activity Center with stage-based playtime for your baby! As your baby evolves and grows rapidly, so do the toys in PortaPlay ensuring their holistic development in the first year. Age Suitability Stage One: 5 to 8 months Stage Two: 8 to 12 months Stage Three: Up to 5 years old Stage One: 5 to 8 months Chewy: A safe soother for teething babies. Interesting patterns provide tactile stimulation, an important sensory experience. Chewy can also be swatted, grabbed or banged together for fine motor skills development. Mischief Mirror: Bold black-and -white images stimulate the development of optic nerves and encourage baby’s cognitive development. Creepers: A classic toy to develop pincer grasp, eye-hand coordination, fine motor skills and arm movements. Pow Pow: Monster Sound Mode lets baby bang on the 3 buttons, each making a different, amusing monster sound to introduce the understanding of cause and effect. Musical Tone Mode builds awareness of pitch and tome differences. Jiggler: Wobbly Jiggler encourages babies to grab, twist and slap. Stage Two: 8 to 12 months Bubbles: The colourful ‘bubbles’ can be poked and pushed all the way through, keeping babies amused. It’s a sensory toy that calms the baby’s mind. Pushey Pulley: Pushey Pulley not only builds motor skills with the pulling and tugging but also challenges baby to anticipate which cloth monster will get in sucked in. Different fabrics and textures provide tactile stimulation. Nom Nom: Playing is hard work. Babies need to snack. The snack bowl encourages self-feeding and fine motor skills. Pow Pow: Musical Game Mode inspired by our childhood favourite, whack-a-mole! One of the three drum pads lights up and when banged on, it goes “yay!” and if the wrong button is hit, it says “oh oh”. Mischief Mirror: Now that the baby’s vision is fully developed, Mischief mirror transforms to bright primary colours! A cute mirror to kindle curiosity and develop self-awareness. Stage Three: Up to 5 years old Bubbles: This sensory, silicone toy can be detached from the PortaPlay and become baby’s favourite toy, even when they stop using the Activity Centre mode. Play Table: Create an independent space for your little ones by converting it int a Play Table. Playing, reading, writing or even snacking – Whatever your littles ones are up to, PortaPlay continues to be their companion of fun as a Play table. Stools: Sturdy, matching stools can be conveniently tucked under the table when not in use. Sold separately or as a combo. Merry-Spin-Round With PortaPlay's 360° swivel action, your little one can easily spin and turn to reach their favorite toys during their early development stage. The seat made with comfortable, washable fabric and also stretches for bouncing, giving a spring in baby's step without straining their knees. 1, 2, 3 and 4! With PortaPlay's 4-level height adjustment, the PortaPlay can keep up with your fast-growing baby. We recommend your baby to be on tippy toes while in the Activity Center. When she has grown taller with limited room for bouncing, it’s time to raise the Activity Center one level higher. Push-and-Pull With a push of a button, you can easily snap out the legs of PortaPlay Play Table and store it away! Materials Matter We believe in using the most superior quality materials that last and are least harmful to Mother nature. Safest Always free from toxic flame retardants, BPA, lead, and phthalates. All mouthable parts are made of food-grade silicone. Rigorously Tested Our products meet and exceed global safety standards for babies and children – ASTM and EN. Sustainably Made All wood used for our products is sustainably sourced from renewable forests. Wood is sealed with a non-toxic, eco-friendly finish. Sustainably Packed We have minimized color printing and lamination on our boxes. While we are forced to use some plastic to keep parts secure, we are constantly looking for better materials. The inspiration Parenthood is your biggest adventure yet! As you discover and explore the wonders of the world with your little one, you’ll witness many changes in your child’s growth within the first year. PortaPlay is the perfect playtime companion for you and your baby, with stage-based playtime adapting to the constantly changing developmental needs of your child. In Oribel, we believe that you and your baby deserve the best. Our PortaPlay activity center is elegantly designed to grow with them through endless playtime possibilities! Recommended age: 4 months, or when the baby can support their neck and ready to sit. Care instructions Machine wash plush toys from the 'Pushey Pulley' Machine wash seat pad in cold water, delicate cycle. Tumble dry, low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Do not use harsh detergents or bleach. Do not dry clean. Wipe plastic parts with mild soap and water. Frequently Asked Questions How is Stage-based Activity Center different from other Activity Centers?Babies' first year is always exciting as they grow at an astounding pace with new changes and development every month. For new parents, our Portaplay stage-based activity center aims to support your baby’s growth at two specific yet distinct phases ( 5 to 8 months and 8 to 12 months). The toys are designed specifically to ensure that their healthy development is on target by challenging them with stage-appropriate activities. Can I fold and store this PortaPlay? Made for compact-homes, our Stage-based PortaPlay comes with legs that are easily removed with a touch of a button. Assembly is also a breeze! Is there a recommended height and weight that the seat can handle? While the PortaPlay is being used as an activity centre in which your child is seated, the recommended maximum weight and height is 25 lbs and 30 inches. This is the average weight and height of a 12-month-old. If your child is starting to walk, he or she should no longer be seated inside the Activity Center. Convert the Activity Center to a Play Table, toys can be retained to encourage cruising.

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