Shnuggle - Washy 淋浴水勺/Shnuggle - Washy Rinsing Bath Jug



Shnuggle® Washy淋浴水勺柔軟的勺邊設計,可輕輕貼在寶寶的頭部額上,防止敏感的小眼睛被水濺到。而柔軟易握的手柄可以幫助您輕輕鬆松地為寶寶沖洗頭髮。同時亦可以鉤在Shnuggle®嬰兒浴盆上,方便拿取和存放。 不用時可站立在任何表面上 不含雙酚A(BPA)、鄰苯二甲酸酯(Phthalate)及重金屬 適合與Shnuggle®嬰兒浴盆配合使用 年齡:新生兒起 尺寸: 12 x 15 x 9.5 厘米 Create happy bathtimes with Washy, the clever rinsing bath jug from Shnuggle. Designed with a soft rim to gently rest against the contour of baby’s head, helping to direct water away from sensitive little eyes. The soft feel handle allows you to comfortably rinse baby’s hair and has been designed to neatly hook onto the Shnuggle Bath for easy access and storage. The perfect bathtime accessory for all ages.
