Shnuggle 嬰兒浴盆/Shnuggle Bath




屢獲殊榮的Shnuggle Bath嬰兒浴盆,其特別設計旨在為寶寶沐浴時間減輕父母們的壓力,同時為寶寶帶來樂趣。適合初生嬰兒至12個月大的寶寶使用,獨特的臀部凸塊設計,即使非常細小的寶寶也可以直立坐姿穩固支撐,安全可靠。讓寶寶能享受更愉快、更舒適的沐浴時光的同時,亦使新手父母為寶寶沐浴時更有信心。 新加入排水孔設計,讓排水換水更方便輕鬆。 ★臀部凸塊設計有助於寶寶在水中穩坐,防止寶寶滑入水中 ★泡沫靠背,增加舒適度 ★排水孔放便排水換水 ★為寶寶提供一個舒適的直立坐姿姿勢 ★體積小巧,可保持水溫熱度更長時間 ★只需用水2公升 ★不含無雙酚A(BPA) The multi-award winning Shnuggle Bath is designed to make bathtime less stressful for parents and fun for baby. Suitable from newborn, the clever bum bump helps support even the tiniest baby in an upright position, offering a more enjoyable and comfortable bathtime for babies right up to 12 months plus. The Shnuggle Baby Bath offers a comfy and cosy bathtime for babies as well as giving new mums and dads confidence to handle their newborn baby at bathtime. ★ Now with handy plug to easily empty and refresh the water. ★ Bum Bump helps to prevent baby sliding in the water ★ Foam backrest for added comfort ★ Handy plug to empty or refresh water ★ Creates a more upright and comfy position for baby ★ Compact size keeping water warmer for longer ★ Minimum of 2 litres of water needed ★ BPA Free ★ Gold winner of the 2019 Mother & Baby Awards, the Shnuggle Bath is top of most parent’s newborn essentials checklist.

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